A keystone species refers to the keystone that holds the other stones in place in an arch. Similarly, the keystone species keeps the ecosystem in balance; without it, the ecosystem can be disrupted.
An indicator species, or signal species, is a species that indicates a certain type of habitat, the presence of other species, or qualities in an ecosystem through its presence.
A redlisted species is a species classified as threatened with extinction, and there are different categories within the Red List. The classification is done according to internationally recognized criteria, and the Swedish Red List is provided by the SLU Swedish Species Information Centre.
A keystone species refers to the keystone that holds the other stones in place in an arch. Similarly, the keystone species keeps the ecosystem in balance; without it, the ecosystem can be disrupted.
An indicator species, or signal species, is a species that indicates a certain type of habitat, the presence of other species, or qualities in an ecosystem through its presence.
A redlisted species is a species classified as threatened with extinction, and there are different categories within the Red List. The classification is done according to internationally recognized criteria, and the Swedish Red List is provided by the SLU Swedish Species Information Centre.