The Swedish mining and minerals industry has come a long way in its environmental work in the over 100 years that modern mining has been carried out. However, we want to go even further, with the aim of making a positive contribution to biodiversity.
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We Want to Contribute Positively to Nature
”The Swedish mining and mineral industry's goal is to contribute to increased biodiversity in all regions where mining and minerals operations and prospecting take place by 2030.”From the Swedish mining and mineral industry's roadmap for increased biodiversity, Mining with Nature.

Mines and quarries use a lot of land and affect the landscape. They can affect the hydrology of the land and thus watercourses, lakes and groundwater. They also release emissions into the soil, air and water.
This affects both biodiversity and ecosystem services. The special geology of locations with mineral deposits often means that they are home to a high diversity of animal species and rare plants. Some of the sites are also located in areas that have long been untouched by humans and therefore have high conservation values.
At the same time, minerals and metals are essential for the transition to a sustainable society. Sweden’s bedrock is rich in mineral deposits. This gives us good opportunities to contribute to the supply of minerals nationally and internationally.