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Mining with nature
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Business Relevance Introduction

Business risks related to biodiversity are usually divided into physical risk, regulatory risk and reputational risk. This classification is made, e.g. in the EU Sustainable Growth Action Plan guidelines, the World Wildlife Fund’s 2020 Nature is too big to fail report and BlackRock’s approach to investment.

"We view the careful management of natural capital as a core component of a resilient long-term corporate strategy for companies that rely on the benefits that nature provides."
BlackRock – the world's largest asset manager

Planetary sustainability

Sustainable development has an ecological, a social and an economic dimension. All of these dimensions fall within the scope of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The ecological dimension, nature and climate, is the basis for all human societies and economies. Therefore, planetary sustainability is crucial for long-term social and economic sustainability.

Illustration from the Stockholm Resilience Center, demonstrating how the economy and society should be seen as embedded parts of the biosphere, rather than separate sectors.
