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Mining with nature
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Biodiversity loss is moving up the sustainability agenda in business, finance, as well as in national and European environmental legislation. Proactive work with biodiversity provides several benefits and opportunities for the mining and minerals sector.

Creating social benefits by supporting global development goals

Example from LKAB:s vision for ecological landscape restoration of the Kiruna mine. The photomontage shows how the waste-rock deposits can be reshaped to a mountain valley through ecological landscape design. Photo och photomontage: LKAB.

We want to contribute positively to the development of society. By working ambitiously for biodiversity, the industry can contribute to achieving the UN:s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the biodiversity targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

We can and want to create even greater benefits for society than our direct contribution to biodiversity. We do this by being a proactive force in society, showing leadership in responsible business practices and inspiring other stakeholders to raise their ambitions on biodiversity.
